Bunker Hill United Methodist Church




9863 Winchester Avenue,
Bunker Hill, WV

Church Telephone: 304-299-8508

Pastor Katy Mossburg


Website: www.bhumcwv.com

Email: bhumchurch@gmail.com




Sunday Worship: 10:00 am
Sunday School at 9:00 AM


 Blessings and Welcome!


"Bunker Hill United Methodist Church is truly a warm and welcoming community of people. We believe that communal worship and service are at the core of who we are as disciples of Jesus Christ. For information about worship times, Sunday school, or how to get involved please visit our website at bhumcwv.com 


Our Vision is to grow as Christians and to reach out in love and service to all people. Come and join us as we worship God and support one another in our journey of faith. "